Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hare Hare Yukai

Was watching a live performance of this song on YouTube. They do a great recreation of the dance there. Have a look. Kawaii

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Windows 7

It's here. and I have to say I am not disappointed. I upgraded to Windows 7 Today and have to say I have had 0 Problems with it so far. Runs Smooth. Runs Fast. Here is a screen-shot with Object Dock installed.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

.Hack Sign/ Lucky Star

Started watching .Hack Sign. Played the game but never watched the anime. I like it so far but it's a bit confusing. Also watching Lucky Star at this time and I believe that there is no storyline. However it does crack me up. LOL Have a Nice Day CLICK ON ADS PPL.

Problem Sloved

I have a new power cable YAY.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

AC Adaptors

My AC adapter has died. I need you the readers to click those ads because as an unemployed blogger, I can not afford a new one unless I make some admoney. Also I cannot do this blog without my laptop. Click those ads.Alternately you can donate to keep my dream alive in these hard times Via Paypal. I only need $15.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Virtual Machine

Here is a picture of my computer running a virtual machine. I have 3 Installed OS's on the virtual machine. One is windows 3.1. I have Fedora 6 on Another and Finally I have Suse 9. I couldn't do stuff like this before because I did not have the computing power. These are useful for trying out New OS's, And running software written for older versions of windows. I have not figured out if I can Run Apple's OSX yet but I'm working on it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars.

 Just got this game Yesterday. I played the demo a bit but the campaign was either really hard Or I really suck. Crappy RTS Skillz out of the way. CNC3 Tiberium wars is a fun game. Unlike previous versions you select squads instead of units for infantry. There are a 5 man Rifle Squad. 2 Man Missile Squad. 4 Man Grenadier squad. 4 Man Trooper Squad. Sniper squad (Spotter and gunner). And the Commando Unit. I like commandos the best cause even though you can only have one Commando at any one time. These guys can take out multiple squads on their own. Plus they can make use of garrisoning and really give em hell. Then you have the Armored Division. Pitbull anti Air platform. Armored Personnel Carrier (APC). Predator Tank. Mammoth Tank. Juggernaut, And the RIG. Aircraft include. The Orca and Firehawk. There is a V35 in there but you cannot command it its for dropping in reinforcements. This is Just a base list of GDI Units for a complete list of all units and structures from the GDI NOD and SCRIN Go to That's All For today's post thanks for reading. ALSO I want to hear from you Email me with any suggestions on what i should review/ watch and ill write the article for you. Also criticism is welcome in comments. CLICK ADS PLZ

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rockoons 1

And The First Vid

Phantasy Star Online

I am a player of Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst. I know its outdated. But the private server I am on has well over 200 active players at any one time. This game is so addicting I spend an average of 3HRs a day. When you customize your character (up to 4) and play with three other people, I think it's a blast.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Utada Hikaru

I first heard her music a few years ago when i was looking on you tube for the video of the Final Fantasy X2 Opening. I immediately fell in love with her music and downloaded Ultra Blue album. I have her latest This is the One, and I love her voice. She is a fantastic singer and she sounds great in English and Japanese. Plus she is absolutely gorgeous.

Click Links

Please remember to click adverts. I get paid per click so you can close windows or whatever after. I just need you to click.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Eye Candy

This is my current desktop with Object Dock Installed And Fully Configured Click Image to get Full Image

Object Dock

Object Dock is a fantastic application for Windows XP/Vista/7 that allows you to add a dock similar to ones seen in mac OSX. Object Dock Basic is free to download. It has helped me get rid of all the icons I had that were taking up half my desktop space. The premium version allows for multiple docks, as well as other features. To get ObjectDock visit: ""

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Im going back to school. Going to star winter term and focus my life on this till i have a degree.

Rockoons TV

Great Video

Need Material

I like to do this but I also would like to know what you want. Send me an email about what you want to see in this blog and I will see what I can do.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Future Computers

40 Years ago a computer took up an entire room. Today we have advances graphics and fast processors. Ive come up with a few ideas of what computers will be like 20 years from today. I want to create a fully mobile voice command driven computer using personal goggles and a virtual keyboard. What is your ideas for the future of computing.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Legend Of ZELDA

I am working on beating Ocarina of Time AGAIN. I also have heard there will be a new Zelda for DS in December called Spirit Tracks. I dont know much about it. Phantom Hourglass was fantastic. Also there is to be a new Zelda for Wii. This page has more info. However there is not much reliable info about the game yet. Tell us what your favorite Zelda game is and what you think is the best part.

Anime Music

I am writing this because I am listening to an album i pick up off 7chan. Its a trance mix. I think its well done. The sound is fantastic. Its called Exit Trance Presents Speed Anime Trance Best. I dont know who made it but i think it is well done. Dont try to sing along unless you want to feel like an idiot though.

Angelic Layer

I just started to re-watch the series. I still get all chocked up when Hikaru hits the layer like a rag doll. I wish we had a game like that here. I might actually stop playing video games for a while. I would be to into fighting with my Angel to care. This series had so much good action and emotion. I wish it was longer than 1 season long though. Chow...

Monday, October 12, 2009


I Know im not going to make crap on ad-sense. However Every little bit helps when your Jobless.
What has your experience with ad-sense been, if any.

Post One

This is to tell all that why i do this.
I write this as a way to express myself and connect with others.
I am a Japanophile who loves everything I've ever heard about japan. I live in Portland, OR, USA and am a freelance computer repair specialist. Currently Learning on the Flash CS4 Platform.
I write this mainly as a review of video games and anime. My Current anime watch list as of this posting. Is Angelic Layer, Lucky Star, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Azumanga Daioh.
Love that OP for Lucky Star. Who is your Favorite character and from what series.
Email me with any questions at